K-12 Private School in Decatur, Illinois
We know raising children in today’s culture is a challenge, and we know Christian education is needed now more than ever. We're here to walk alongside your family through it all. Come partner with us and watch your child become a leader for life who impacts the world for Jesus!
Through discipleship, academic excellence and real-life skills, and with classroom environments centered on problem solving, innovation and collaborative learning, a Unity education will prepare your child for wherever God leads them next.
Unity Christian School is a K-12 private Christian school located on 52 acres in northeast Decatur. Our mission is to prepare leaders for life who impact the world for Jesus. We accomplish our mission through a focus on discipleship, academic excellence, and real-life skills.
Our vision is to become a thriving and sustainable school ministry that provides top-quality Christian education to the Decatur community for generations to come.
Top-quality Christian education is vital to the future of our community. We’re working to bring together Christian churches and believers from the Decatur area to support and sustain Christian education for generations to come.

Our tuition includes all fees in one price. Each family will have one clear tuition number to budget for at the beginning of each school year.
We are committed to not letting finances be the barrier for families who want to be here. A family who is unsure about affording the full tuition price is encouraged to apply through FACTS, the third-party organization we partner with.
Student safety is prioritized in all that we do. Teachers and staff offer daily individual attention, providing a Christian community of care, love and support for each student and family.
We offer before school care from 6:30-8:25am, and after school care from 3-6pm. Families are charged per hour only for the time their student(s) used each day.
We employ a certified nurse who is on site each school day. We also have at least one local pastor available and on-call for support each day.
Every Wednesday morning, all students gather in the gym for worship and teaching. Every Wednesday afternoon, all athletes gather to hear a team talk focused on faith and character development from a local leader.
We believe movement, exercise and brain breaks are critical to the overall educational experience of each student, which is why we prioritize getting students outdoors and keeping them active throughout the day.
We have an on-site Guidance Counselor available daily to work with students and families on academic schedules, progress and college planning.
We offer daily hot lunch, made on-site in our kitchen, including a-la-carte items and salads for students in 7-12th grade.
Every 5-12th student is issued a school-owned Chromebook for their use throughout the school year. Younger grades utilize school-owned Chromebooks and Ipads throughout the week.
Little Lions-6th students receive art, music, and physical education at least once per week.
7-12th students work with our Guidance Counselor to select necessary classes in addition to electives they are interested in.
Our on-site greenhouse and chicken coop are utilized and maintained by students, including our Agriculture program.
Our student mentoring program pairs older students with younger ones to provide support, encouragement and fun on a weekly basis.
We partner with Richland Community College, and Concordia University to offer a variety of dual credit college classes. We also offer several embedded honors options, as well as a Tech Academy option for Juniors and Seniors through Richland.
We’ve experienced huge success in athletics over the last few years, including conference championships and undefeated regular seasons. Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Wrestling, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Cheer all offered, starting as early as 4th grade. Our newly refinished gym floor provides a beautiful setting for indoor sports, while our on-site baseball, football and soccer fields provide a special atmosphere for each home game.
We offer many camps throughout the year including STEM, Robotics, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Wrestling and Cheer.
7-12th graders end each school day with 40 minutes dedicated to what they need most - extra tutoring or academic support, faith development, special interest clubs, etc.
A dedicated STEM room is utilized by elementary students for project-based learning, and a Jr. High Robotics Team competes in local and regional competitions.
High School Seniors may participate in an internship with a local business or organization to gain valuable hands-on experience in a career or field they have interest in.
Multiple times per year, we prioritize our students to go out into the community to serve others and make a Kingdom impact through selfless service.

"One of my greatest joys as a mom is knowing that my kids are safe, welcomed, loved and valued here."
— Unity Parent
We’d love to show you around. Let’s see how we can partner together as we #WalkWorthy in 2024-25.
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